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Kotor 2 Which Transponder Code To Use _TOP_

KOTOR 2 Transponder Code: How to Choose the Right One

If you are playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords, you might be wondering which transponder code to use when you reach the Ravager, the flagship of Darth Nihilus. This is a crucial decision that can affect the outcome of the game and the fate of the galaxy. In this article, we will explain what a transponder code is, how it works, and which one to use depending on your alignment and goals.

kotor 2 which transponder code to use

What is a Transponder Code?

A transponder code is a four-digit code that identifies a starship and its affiliation. It is used by space traffic controllers and military forces to monitor and communicate with starships. A transponder code can also be used to deceive or trick other starships, by changing it to match a different affiliation or identity.

In KOTOR 2, you will encounter several situations where you will need to use a transponder code to access or escape from certain areas. For example, you will need to use a transponder code to enter the Peragus Mining Facility, to leave Telos, and to board the Ravager.

How Does a Transponder Code Work?

A transponder code works by sending a signal to a receiver that verifies the code and grants or denies access. The signal can be intercepted or jammed by other starships or devices. A transponder code can also be changed or hacked by using a computer terminal or a slicer droid.

In KOTOR 2, you will need to use your Ebon Hawk's computer terminal or T3-M4's slicing skills to change your transponder code. You will also need to avoid being detected by Sith fighters or Republic cruisers that might intercept your signal and attack you.

Which Transponder Code to Use in KOTOR 2?

The most important transponder code decision in KOTOR 2 is when you reach the Ravager, the Sith flagship that is orbiting Malachor V. You will need to choose between three transponder codes: Republic, Sith, or Mandalorian. Each one has different consequences and benefits depending on your alignment and goals.

If you are a light side character, you might want to use the Republic transponder code. This will allow you to ally with the Republic forces that are fighting against the Sith. You will be able to board the Ravager with the help of Admiral Onasi and his fleet. You will also gain some light side points and influence with some of your companions.

However, using the Republic transponder code also has some drawbacks. You will have to face more Sith enemies on the Ravager, including Sith assassins and Sith troopers. You will also have to deal with a Sith ambush on the bridge, where you will have to fight against Darth Sion and his minions.

If you are a dark side character, you might want to use the Sith transponder code. This will allow you to infiltrate the Ravager as a Sith agent. You will be able to board the Ravager with less resistance from the Sith forces. You will also gain some dark side points and influence with some of your companions.

However, using the Sith transponder code also has some drawbacks. You will have to face more Republic enemies on the Ravager, including Republic soldiers and Jedi. You will also have to deal with a Republic ambush on the bridge, where you will have to fight against Admiral Onasi and his allies.

If you are a neutral character, or if you want to have a different experience, you might want to use the Mandalorian transponder code. This will allow you to ally with the Mandalorians that are raiding the Ravager. You will be able to board the Ravager with the help of Mandalore and his clan. You will also gain some respect and influence with the Mandalorians.

However, using the Mandalorian transponder code also has some drawbacks. You will have to face both Sith and Republic enemies on the Ravager, including Sith assassins, Sith troopers, Republic soldiers, and Jedi. You will also have to deal with a double ambush on the bridge, where you will have to fight against both Darth Sion and Admiral Onasi and their forces. d282676c82


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